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GRAPP is part of VISIGRAPP, the 17th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications.
Registration to GRAPP allows free access to all other VISIGRAPP conferences.

VISIGRAPP 2022 will be held in conjunction with SENSORNETS 2022.

Registration to VISIGRAPP allows free access to the SENSORNETS conference (as a non-speaker).

The International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications aims at becoming a major point of contact between researchers, engineers and practitioners in Computer Graphics. The conference will be structured along four main tracks, covering different aspects related to Computer Graphics, from Modelling to Rendering, including Animation, Interactive Environments and Social Agents in Computer Graphics.

Conference Chair

Kadi BouatouchIRISA, University of Rennes 1, France


A. Augusto SousaFEUP/INESC TEC, Portugal
Kurt DebattistaUniversity of Warwick, United Kingdom


Gustavo PatowUniversitat de Girona, Spain -Geometry and Modeling
Daniel MeneveauxUniversity of Poitiers, France -Rendering
Veronica Costa OrvalhoDidimo Inc. Universidade do Porto, Portugal -Animation and Simulation
Daniel GonçalvesINESC-ID, Instituto Superior Técnico, Portugal -Interactive Environments

Keynote Speakers

Roope RaisamoTampere University, Finland
Fotis LiarokapisCYENS - Centre of Excellence and Cyprus University of Technology, Cyprus
Sara Irina FabrikantUniversity of Zurich, Switzerland
Andreas GeigerAutonomous Vision Group (AVG), University of Tübingen, Germany

Science and Technology Publications, Lda

All papers presented at the conference venue
will be available at the SCITEPRESS Digital Library
(consult SCITEPRESS Ethics of Publication)

Springer Nature Computer Science

A short list of best papers will be invited
for a post-conference special issue of the
Springer Nature Computer Science Journal

Communications in Computer and Information Science

It is planned to publish a short list of revised and
extended versions of presented papers with
Springer in a CCIS Series book

In Cooperation with:

Proceedings will be submitted for evaluation for indexing by:
