Abstract: |
Acquiring, encoding, transmitting, decoding, and displaying motion signals is an essential challenge in our new world of interconnected immersive applications (XR, online games etc.). In addition to being potentially disturbed by multiple factors (e.g., signal noise, latency, packet loss), this motion data should be modifiable and customizable to fit the needs of specific applications. Simultaneously, several approaches have successfully proposed to explicitly integrate the semantics of the human body in a deep learning framework by separating it into smaller parts. We propose to use such an approach to obtain a robust streamed animation data. Specifically, we create and train several neural networks on the motion of different body parts independently from each other. We further compare the performances of several body decompositions using multiple objective reconstruction metrics. Eventually, we show that this Body Parts approach brings new opportunities compared to a compact one, such as a perfectly partitioned and more interpretable motion data, while obtaining comparable reconstruction results. |