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Associations, Federations and Special Interest Groups

Aware of the importance of international cooperation for the advancement of science, INSTICC works closely together with several other national and international associations and is proud to welcome them as partners in its activities or to arrange initiatives in cooperation with them.

While several forms of partnership are welcome, INSTICC places special value in "Technical Co-Sponsorships", by means of which both associations support each other from a scientific perspective for their mutual benefit. Additionally, in this case, members of partner organizations benefit from the same registration conditions as INSTICC members.

Current Institutional Partners:

Institute for Systems and Technologies of Information, Control and Communication

INSTICC is the Institute for Systems and Technologies of Information, Control and Communication, a scientific, non-profit, association whose main goals are to serve the international scientific community by promoting, developing and disseminating knowledge in the areas of information systems and technologies, control and communication. It has organized hundreds of successful scientific conferences across the world since 2003, in collaboration with the main international institutions in its areas of interest.

Workflow Management Coalition

Founded in 1993, the Workflow Management Coalition (WfMC) is a global organization of adopters, developers, consultants, analysts, as well as university and research groups engaged in workflow and BPM. The WfMC creates and contributes to process related standards, educates the market on related issues, and is the only standards organization that concentrates purely on process. The WfMC created Wf-XML and XPDL, the leading process definition language used today in over 80 known solutions to store and exchange process models. XPDL is a process design format for storing the visual diagram and all design time attributes.

Center for Virtual Reality and Visualization Forschungs-GmbH

VRVis is an Austrian COMET center in the fields of visual computing and virtual and augmented reality. VRVis is a central science and development partner and builds bridges from research to industry every day. With the extensive expertise in algorithms and data structures, VRVis strengthens the innovative power and competitiveness of companies and helps them to achieve an important technological advantage.

European Association for Computer Graphics

Eurographics is the only truly Europe-wide professional Computer Graphics association. The association supports its members in advancing the state of the art in Computer Graphics and related fields such as Multimedia, Scientific Visualization and Human Computer Interfaces. Through a world-wide membership, EG maintains close links with developments in the US, Japan and other countries, promoting the exchange of scientific and technical information and skills on a global scale.

Grupo Português de Computação Gráfica

O GPCG pretende reunir membros da Portugueses da Associação EUROGRAPHICS. O seu principal objectivo é promover a difusão da Computação Gráfica em Portugal, em Investigação e Desenvolvimento e Educação. Entre as suas principais atividades, está a realização de um encontro regular do Português em Computação Gráfica e de várias oficinas temáticas. O GPCG tem conexões com vários grupos de R&D.

French Association for Computer Graphics

The AFIG association (French association for Computer Graphics) aims at representing the french computer graphics community. It groups many French academic laboratories and researchers, in the following areas: geometric modelling, computational geometry, discrete geometry, computer animation, physically based models, interactive rendering, or expressive rendering for instance. The main goal of this association is to promote computer graphics for research and teaching; encourage collaborations with industry and international institutions; and develop links between researchers and industry or academics.
